Our theme this month: Influencers

This month’s NSO theme is Influencers. Science is an important part of our society, economy, and culture. Many people love science because they want to improve the lives of others and make a difference.


Astronomy and Sustainable Development

We are lucky enough to have a guest blog post on Astronomy and Sustainable Development from Dr. Hannah Dalgleish, a researcher at Oxford University.  Hannah is currently working in Namibia on projects related to dark sky tourism and astronomy education. Read Hannah's article on how astronomy can be used to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Host a Space Debate!

Scientists discuss and debate ideas continually. Debates are a great way to develop persuasive arguments and use critical thinking skills, as well as build up confidence. Use the links below to access our NEW resources to host your own debate!


Astronomical Influencers Quiz

Test your knowledge of space and learn about some pioneering astronomers from around the world throughout history with our NEW interactive Astronomical Influencers Quiz


NSO Career Heroes

​Visit the Influencing section of our careers site. Discover the inspirational journeys behind some modern-day astronomical influencers using our career profiles. 


Join in!

If you have an interest in science and a passion for making positive changes in the world, we have collected a list of ways to join in and connect with the astronomy community.