Ireland Primary

Stars and Stories

Have you ever looked at the stars at night and seen pictures in them? The imaginary pictures in the stars are called constellations.

A book floating in space

Skills for Space

A drawing of an astronaut standing on the Earth against a dark starry background with the words 'myth vs. reality' to the right of the astronaut


You have probably seen the Moon in the sky but have you ever studied it in detail? 

Photo of school children assembling the Moonsaic

Explore The Moon's Surface

You have probably seen the Moon in the sky but have you ever studied it in detail?

The surface of the Moon with cartoon rulers and tally-counts

What is Gravity?

Planet Earth in space. Three children are standing on the planet. Arrows show the pull of gravity from where they are on the surface into the centre of the Earth.

Why Do We Have Day and Night?

The left half of the picture shows a cartoon day time scene, the right half of the picture shows a cartoon night time scene

Timeline of Astronomy

Short Intro Text: 

Did you know that our understanding of science and space had gradually been built over thousands of years? Discover the people from the past whose observations and experiments helped us understand our Solar System and the Universe.

Timeline of the Apollo Missions

Short Intro Text: 

Did you know astronauts landed on the Moon six times between 1969 and 1972?

Explore the people and science of each Apollo mission using our timeline!

Space Quiz

Short Intro Text: 

Think you have an astronomical amount of knowledge about space? Test your knowledge using this quiz.
