
What is a Sundial?

A cartoon image of sun beams hitting a sundail and causing a shadow

What Does Life Need?

Image showing title of the video and illustrations for Air, Water, Food and Shelter.

Why Does the Earth Have Seasons?

A diagram of the position of the Earth at different points in its orbit around the Sun that create the four seasons.

Recreate a Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. The Moon stops the Sun’s

An image of the Moon crossing over the Sun

What is the Sun?

Make your own pinhole camera

All of the light we receive on Earth comes from the Sun.

A graphic showing light from the Sun passing through a box and projecting on to a sreen

Investigate Day and Night

Short Intro Text: 

On Earth, night follows day and day follows night. But why?

Complete this fun investigation to find out!

Our Sun Quiz

Short Intro Text: 

The Sun is our closest star and the centre of our Solar System. However, it is only one of several billion stars in our galaxy.

Astronomers study and learn about the Sun using observations from telescopes along with data collected by space probes. But how much do you know about our star? Test your knowledge using this quiz!

Make a Sundial

A paper sundial lying on the grass

Make a Comet on a Stick

Comets are large balls of ice, rock and dust but you can think of them as large dirty snowballs that travel through the Solar System.

A hand holding a lolly-pop stick. A comet is attached to the end of the stick. There is a starry black background.
