Day and Night

Investigate Day and Night

Short Intro Text: 

On Earth, night follows day and day follows night. But why?

Complete this fun investigation to find out!

Make a Sundial

A paper sundial lying on the grass

Count the Stars!

Have you ever wondered how many stars you can see in the night sky? Did you know that the number you can see depends on where you are?

The silhouette of 3 children looking up at a starry sky

Why Do We Have Day and Night?

The left half of the picture shows a cartoon day time scene, the right half of the picture shows a cartoon night time scene

Dydd a Nos

Wedi’i anelu at ddisgyblion 7-11 oed, mae’r gweithgaredd hwn yn rhoi cyfle ymarferol i'r disgyblion i ddysgu am y dydd a’r nos. Gan ddefnyddio pêl o play-doh a thortsh, bydd y disgyblion yn darganfod sut mae cylchdro'r Ddaear yn achosi’r dydd a’r nos.

Earth Rotation

Spinning Earth
Credit: Wikiscient

The Earth is always spinning on its axis. It takes 24 hours to spin around once, so it rotates once a day. The Earth spins at over 1,500 km an hour! That's more than 4 times faster than a Formula 1 car racing at top speed!